come back mati rose!

I immediately fell in love with Mati Rose‘s artwork when I first stumbled upon it last winter, which led me to sign up for her online painting class. Mati is a San Francisco artist, who I read about on another San Franciscan’s (bohemian) blog….and of course I am drawn to all things San Francisco after living there for 4 years (and my dad has been living there for over 12 years now). At any rate, I am thinking about her artwork now because I would LOVE to design my baby’s nursery around a collection of her prints—I have yet to find inspiration for the nursery anywhere but in Mati’s paintings. Her color palette and imagination are just perfection in my book. The problem? Mati’s Etsy shop has been “temporarily” closed since last February. *BIG sigh* Some of my favorites…..

13 weeks

I’m not sure that you get the full effect of the roundness of my belly in this photo, but I didn’t have Alex around to take a good profile shot. It is pretty crazy to look down these days and see this swelling life deep beneath my skin. It’s fascinating and alien-like. Every night I lift up my shirt to smother my belly with lotion, and every time Alex exclaims, “wow, that’s the biggest it’s been so far!” as if he half expects my stomach to shrink back down to normal, back into the realm of realities we can grasp and understand. The whole experience is still so unreal for us both….but exciting in a way I can’t explain.


walls of horror

Being an aesthetically-focused individual, I have been trying to envision and sketch out the baby nursery from the minute we bought this house. But, I am completely stuck. I have spent so many nights lying awake, sifting through color schemes and furniture layouts in my head, and though I’ve had many ideas, none of them feel right. Perhaps I’ll feel more inspired when I know the baby’s gender? Perhaps I’ll have a crazy, hormone-induced decorating surge at some point and know exactly what I want? I hope so.

For now, I am haunted by that long, narrow room at the end of the hall that currently looks like the perfect backdrop for a horror movie scene. When we bought the house, we felt lucky to find the one house in the Northern Berkshires that wasn’t 100% wallpapered—with the exception of the nursery and a small bathroom downstairs. Piece of cake we thought, until Alex’s brother-in-law brought over a steamer and began removing this…..

only to find this underneath……

This quickly turned into a huge project, given the terrifying teddybear wallpaper is from 1949 when the house was built and is glued to the original plywood. In other words, it’s not coming off, which means an insane amount of wall patching before we can even think about painting it. 

I haven’t even reached the crazy nesting phase of pregnancy yet, but I already feel like that room needs to be done TOMORROW. I hope that the walls get patched and I find some inspiration soon!

wake up!

I seriously cannot for the life of me wake up today…..

Wake Up Sunshine Print by Thoughtful Prints
Wake Up, Pick Me Up Mug by Art is Vast
Wake Up Paris by Trekker Jen Photography
Wake Up Mini Shot by The Radical Uprise
Moca Cozy- “Wake Up” by Lacey Bug Creations

And baby makes three!

Yes, we are expecting! It’s been a hard secret to keep, but since this is my first baby I was superstitious about sharing the news before I was 3 months along (now all my complaining about being sick, exhausted and unable to tend to my blog might make sense!). On our anniversary (two days ago), my husband and I were remarking on how incredibly eventful our lives have been this past year—wedding, honeymoon, trying to find a new state to move to, job searches, buying a house, living with Alex’s mother for 2+ months, moving, pregnancy. But really, our lives have been eventful from the beginning of our relationship. When you unite two people who don’t have the slightest capacity to remain complacent in any area of life, who happen to have ridiculously itchy feet and a drive to get things done and make changes…..well, their life together is going to be eventful. It’s overwhelming, but I don’t think we’d have it any other way.

Back to the baby though—we found out we were pregnant 2 days before our big move to Massachusetts! Overwhelming? Just a little. Exciting? Beyond words. Frustrating for a girl who likes to live life in an over-productive tornado, who under normal circumstances would have unpacked this house in a day and a half flat and had every room painted and decorated in less than a week? Umm, YES. I am very good at relaxing and enjoying lazy days, but ONLY when they are sandwiched between totally crazy, hectic, productive days. My first lessons in pregnancy/parenting: slow down, I am no longer in charge (and haven’t been since only a week after I conceived when this tiny bean began calling all the shots), and it’s okay to not have a pristine house because there are more important things in life (and I’ll never have the time to be that neurotic ever again…well, until my children go off to college:).

I have to say I am giddy as heck to begin my second trimester, to leave behind the face full of broken blood vessels on account of all the puking, to start loving food again instead of cursing my biological need to ingest it, to stop sleeping 3/4 of the day and to be able to leave the house/my bed/the bathroom more than once a week. I always looked forward to experiencing pregnancy, but (as excited as I am) I’m not going to lie about it—the first trimester (for many of us) is horrendous and when it’s your first child and the concept of an actual baby being the reward at the end of all of this isn’t yet comprehensible, it simply feels like you are living with the worst stomach flu, motion sickness and hangover all rolled into one, 24 hours a day, and that can really sap your ability to enjoy life. Now that that’s said, I will go into a self-imposed state of amnesia on the subject of first trimester woes from here on out and just be happy/giddy/glowing pregnant-lady. At least I’ll try:)

One shocker for me—my belly popped right away. I am sure, at first, a great deal of it was typical pregnancy bloating, but the fact is I have not fit into any of my pants since a few weeks after I conceived. I’ve always been a complete stick figure and it’s my first baby so this is a big shocker. We were worried this meant I was carrying twins, but those worries were quickly quelled when we caught our first glimpse of our little one via ultrasound yesterday (phew! one at a time, please!). I will take some new photos sometime this week, because I haven’t been photographing my belly (also a shocker coming from someone who usually never puts her camera down). Here are two shots of the initial pop that I took at 7 weeks (I’m now 13 weeks and much rounder, but these pics are all I have at the moment). Something tells me the bulge in these photos might not be apparent to everyone, unless you know how thin I was before….but, it is the beginning of a new life….