Did you know that a woman’s brain cell volume actually shrinks while she’s pregnant? I am well aware of that fact. I thought I was forgetful and easily confused earlier in my pregnancy, but woah, this is a whole new level. I’m shocked I can still write an entire blog post in full sentences, because it sometimes feels impossible to communicate my ideas aloud. Words escape me, ideas escape me, what I did 5 minutes ago escapes me. This is particularly frustrating for a woman who, previously, had an iron clad memory. I will normally remember conversations and events in their entirety, even 10 years after-the-fact. I remember faces forever and what you wore last Monday. And because of this, I am the one in charge of being on top of important household information—when the bills need to be paid, birthdays, appointments, when my husband’s clothes last made it to the dry cleaner, finding all missing items, scheduling maintenance. Now, I cannot even be trusted with the grocery shopping. I go in with a list in hand, which seems like it’d be enough given everything we need is written out right in front of my face. But, no. So, I took to circling, starring and underlining critical items or items that I’d forgotten to pick up last time. But, no. I black out halfway through the aisles. I go back because I know I forgot something on the absolute opposite side of the store. I don’t know why I’ve gone back. I waddle, holding my heavy baby belly, to the other side…..damn it…..what am I doing? And then I give up and leave with whatever made it into the cart. I love this baby, and want her to cook as long as she needs to, but damn, I cannot wait to have my brain back (amongst other things)!
Category Archives: pregnancy
32 weeks
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Baby shower repeat. I am running really low on energy (and clean clothes:) right now so I haven’t taken my weekly photos. |
baby brunch
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Adorable craft project for guests: have people cut out little creatures from cloth and affix them to onesies. |
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Never thought I’d see my father enjoy an afternoon of baby crafts. So cute. |
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The baby wearing the t-shirt made for her by the ever-creative 4-yr-old Zella. |
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Gluten-free spice cake with buttercream frosting. Amaaaaazing! |
31 weeks
My father came to visit yesterday. He hasn’t seen me since I was about 8 weeks pregnant given he lives in California and was recovering from knee surgery for months and couldn’t travel. Needless to say, I look pretty different than I did when he saw me back in September…..different than the little girl he sees in his head when he looks at me. And it was exciting and emotional to share this version of myself with him.
All the conversations my father and I have had over the past 8 months about
baby girls, pregnancy, and parenting have bonded us in such a new way. My father can’t help but constantly tell stories of holding me in his arms the day I was born or carrying me everywhere he went in the baby sling….and I can’t get enough of hearing them. As he anticipates his first grandchild, it is as if he is anticipating the rebirth of the baby that he had to let go of so long ago. And for me, the emotional transition from individual to mama and falling in love with the little one that squirms inside my body, has deepened my appreciation for my father and shifted my perspective on his reluctance to let me go (all my life) from annoyance to understanding. I’ve yet to hold my own baby girl in my arms, but I can tell you emphatically that I know I will not want to let her go. Ever. I cry at any mention of kids going off to college and my baby hasn’t even left the womb.
It’s an interesting experience, becoming a parent in your own parent’s presence. I sometimes feel as though I want to simultaneously jump back in time and forward. In fact, that’s exactly how I feel right now as I write this, sobbing, thinking about my father….thinking about how hard it is for him to be 3,000 miles away from his children, thinking about how heartbreaking that would be for me if this baby decides one day that she has to give the west coast a whirl too…thinking about how quickly the phase of parenthood/childhood that my father is reliving and telling tales of right now slips past you. But, that is life. Wonderful, beautiful, emotional life. All I can do is hug my father when he’s here and try to live one day at a time with my baby girl (when she finally arrives), giving her all the mama love I can while she lives and grows up just down the hall from me. Could I be any more hormonal today?!?!
On a lighter note, I found one of my pre-pregnancy hippie shirts at the bottom of my drawer today…mysteriously tucked in beneath the heap of large, elastic maternity shirts, wondering where its former, slender, hipper roommates have gone. Before I put it in my someday-I-will-fit-into-these-again storage box, I thought I would see if I could get the sucker on….mostly because I miss my free-spirted old style, but also because I thought it would be funny to see my rotund belly peaking out of the slit down the front that used to be sexy….used to display flat abs and low-slung skinny jeans. My how things have changed…
a note from zombieland
I feel like a COMPLETE zombie this week. Is this how it’s going to be for the next 10 weeks? I hope not. It’s more than exhaustion though, and that’s what is killing me. My brain has just shut off…out to lunch….or maybe longer. I’ve read it’s normal and part of the end of pregnancy, but damn! I find myself just sitting and staring off into space, not even realizing it’s happening until a good hour or two has rolled by. Breakfast has turned into lunch and I can’t quite recall what’s happened in between. I mentioned in my last post that I really have no idea what I’m saying/writing as I’m saying/writing it these days and it’s the truth. That is why I’ve (sadly) shied away from blogging this week. I sit here every morning, gazing at the blank screen, half forgetting what to do with a blank screen and computer keyboard. I do this for awhile until I realize it’s just not happening. All of my body’s resources are currently being rerouted to my uterus and the growing human being there. This last part of pregnancy is all about her brain growth—it’s supposed to almost triple in size from now until she’s born. And she seems quite happy about it. I can sense her happiness in the way she moves. The way I move is sluggish and involves a lot of grunting and sighing. Not that I’m complaining….I guess I’m just trying to figure out how to exist and be semi-productive without the use of my brain. Is that what motherhood is?
30 weeks
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The day our little one’s life began. |
29 weeks
I must say, my due date has felt so close for much of this pregnancy, mostly because the idea/reality of having an actual baby in our house is so intense that it happening in any amount of months feels like it’s tomorrow. I simply cannot put that feeling into words.
Now, we are just 11 weeks away, and I oscillate between feeling like this is happening tomorrow and like this is happening a year from now. Intellectually, it’s like “holy @*!% only 11 more weeks of life as a twosome; only 11 more weeks to finish this gigantic list of to-do’s; only 11 more weeks until I can no longer spend 45 minutes smelling soaps and candles at Whole Foods; only 11 more weeks of getting 10 hours of sleep every night….I think I need a little more time!” But, physically—and that’s the part of me that’s getting difficult to ignore—it’s like “OH. MY. GOD. 11 more weeks of being pregnant?! But, I am stretched out as far as I think I can be. I’ve been carrying this baby around for what, like 2 years now, right? But, I don’t want to grow any more chins…I’m overwhelmed by the number I currently have. I’ve already had to buy 3 sets of bra sizes and you’re telling me these puppies are going to grow 2 more times?! But, I miss not wearing a bra. Do you know what it feels like to be literally punched in the bladder? This baby is going to double or maybe triple in size in the next 11 weeks….how will I ever keep my urine in?”
These dueling mentalities are accompanied by bouts of me holding my belly and tearing up because I can’t handle the love I feel for this little being…and I simply cannot wait to snuggle her.
Oh, the waiting game.
in my daughter’s eyes
28 weeks
against the grain
I make unpopular decisions. I always have. I’m sure part of it is due to my independent nature. I recently read that it is also a quality shared by most introverts (which I definitely am) thanks to our ability to tune in to our inner world to reflect on what we are feeling and experiencing, then think things through thoroughly and independently. Either way, it seems I rarely make decisions that are easily accepted by the masses (or those around me). I listen to my gut instead of to others, it’s that simple and it doesn’t feel like a choice. I feel physically ill and my sanity threatened when I don’t make decisions that are in line with my true desires or what is really best for me—it’s a blessing to be that sensitive to my world, but it’s not easy.
The deeper into adulthood I climb, the more important my decisions become, the more I’ve realized how independent my thinking is and unpopular my decisions are. Expecting a child and making decisions about how to be pregnant, how to birth, and how to parent is probably the best example I have of this. There are so many decisions to be made from the time you conceive, each one defining who you are as an individual and mother, and what kind of environment and experience you want to create for your child. And I take my decisions very seriously. I’ve done an insane amount of reading, I’ve listened to other women’s stories, I’ve asked a lot of questions, I’ve reflected on my childhood experiences, and I’ve talked with 9 different midwives, 2 OBGYNs and 1 doula since I began the process of conceiving and expecting.
I’d say my decisions are pretty well-informed. They are absolutely the right decisions for me and I deeply believe in the parenting practices my husband and I intend to utilize. But, I’ve had to endure the onslaught of disapproval, criticism, judgement, unsolicited opinions and sometimes borderline outrage over my decisions that is so common during pregnancy and parenting. As common as it is, I am still deeply offended by it. Could there by anything more personal or intimate than your uterus, your vagina, or your flesh and blood? Why our society has become so warped in the way we interact with pregnant women and mothers is beyond me. Why we do so little to support this sacred, beautiful transition and honor the unique ways in which each woman would like to experience it is beyond me. And the fact that pregnancy and birth have been so taken over by the medical community that most women are completely resigned to listening to doctors, disconnecting from their bodies, and ignoring or not even attempting to tune in to their own wisdom, is such a tragedy in my mind.
I will step off my soap box now. I just find this issue has become more and more intense as I approach the end of pregnancy. I am exhausted by the questions, the prying into my personal decisions, all while I am trying to maneuver this completely new and foreign experience the best I can. This is a time I would so love to have my wisdom regarding my own body, my child and the family my husband and I are creating respected. It’s a time that I’d so love to be able to talk openly and freely about how I’ve decided to do this, but instead must protect my experience and unpopular decisions from anyone outside of the birth support circle I’ve been lucky enough to create for myself. The silver-lining to all this is that I’ve never felt more confident and strong in who I am so, in a way, I thank all the authors, groups and people I know who have voiced their disapproval. Having to make decisions of this caliber and defy the direction the current runs has made me into the kind of mother I was hoping to be. Now I just have to survive the next 18+ years of unsolicited critiques of my parenting. Piece of cake:)