I’ve seen this photo challenge around this month and have decided to give it a go because my photography (both as a personal obsession/hobby and career-wise) has taken a definite backseat these past 29 weeks of pregnancy. I never intended for that to happen, but what can you do? Life happens, pregnancy surprises you and knocks you off your feet when you never expected it to. So, the challenge. I’m going to start taking daily pictures on Monday and will be posting each week’s photos on the next 4 Fridays. I also thought I’d add a twist by doing past and present examples side-by-side for each subject matter.
I am also challenging myself to open my damn artbin and get these pregnant hands all painty. The baby’s room needs some handmade mama art so I’m going to attempt to bring art and photography back into my life simultaneously.
This looks like a fun challenge! I might give it a go, too. It will be fun to see what you come up with. 🙂