This is our life: Sleep?

IMG_0396Text message to my husband last night: Not going well in here. She’s not sleeping. FML. What is up with this chick?

Husband’s response: She’s chronically young…be persistent. Good luck!

As I find myself in the midst of yet another bout of sleeplessness, I’m (reluctantly) coming to grips with the fact that I will not sleep…..really sleep….until all my kids are in college. There always seems to be some new phase or affliction or fear monopolizing what should be our slumbering hours.

So, I just wanted to say this: I miss sleep. Like ten straight hours of sleep without waking to change diapers or feed a little mouth or soothe a teething child (or while pregnant- pee or eat a snack or adjust my aching belly). It’s been twenty-three months since I slept well…just for the record.

I guess I’m lucky, though, because I have an astounding amount of patience when it comes to nighttime parenting. Yet, every once in a while I hit a terrible wall….and I have to fight through my frustration to find just a sliver of nurturing and understanding to give my daughter in the night. And….when will this phase be over?

Zzzzzzz…I just fell asleep for thirty seconds at my computer….