Back in the photog game?


Making (the right) career decisions has been challenging ever since I conceived Emerson. Everything changed for me in that one moment—at the same time providing focus and a need to pause. While I had envisioned my three entrepreneurial ventures (portrait photography, selling fine art, and blogging) fitting perfectly into my life as a mother (and pregnant woman), that’s just not the way things turned out for me.

So, I had to make some tough choices. I don’t talk much about this here, but trying to start a business—let alone THREE—is not a small task. Nor an easy one. So, blogging it was…at least for the time being.

Yet, I can’t help but feel the pull of my other passion: photography. I do take a fair share of photos on a daily basis with Em, but it’s different. I still crave the rush I feel during a photo session….the excitement of pouring over hundreds of still images on my computer…the thrill of seeing people’s faces light up when they see the final product. And while I’m still not sure when I will get back to building my photography business, I have been feeling, lately, like I need to do a little something here and there in order to fulfill that part of me and keep sane. It’s like a small pledge to myself….”it’s just a break, Alexa.”

Anyway, I did a photo shoot this morning, which somehow turned into three more photo shoots in the next month. Is it a sign? I’m not sure. But, it felt AWESOME to be behind the lens (of something other than an iphone)! And it gave me a little taste of what life could be like…..Emerson running around the grass, watching her mama do what she loves. Not a bad life, if you ask me!

Stay tuned for more photos from my photo shoot….