Author Archives: amerrill
This is our life: a conversation in the car
Alexa: Remember when we used to take vacations, just the two of us?
Alex: I don’t remember being just two.
Alexa: We totally glutted ourselves on attention, affection, and romance. We were obsessed with each other. Totally and completely obsessed. We spent all our time together. Remember?
Alex: *Blank stare*
Alexa: Then POUF! It was gone. Just like that…I can’t even access all that stuff now.
Alex: Now it’s like we’re two co-servants to some greater God, and we’re just tripping over and annoying each other in the process. You know, like co-workers arguing over who gets to take their break first.
Alexa: Yes.
This is our life.
Eleven months of Emerson
Emerson turned eleven-months-old on Friday. ONLY ONE MORE MONTH OF BEING THE MOTHER TO A 0-YEAR-OLD. How did this happen?! The past year was the fastest year of my life—a blur of labor pains and first kisses, nursing a total of one zillion hours and changing a total of one zillion diapers, cuddles and maturing cries, so many firsts followed by so many lasts, laughing and dancing, family hugs and a family bed, vacations and milestones. It was the most significant year of my life and I barely ever left the house or changed out of my yoga pants.
I am so excited to be exactly where I am with Emerson right now—her personality, her quirks, her abilities and limitations, her developmental stage. Yet. I want to hold on so tightly to everything that came before today. I don’t want it to disappear into the abyss of “so long ago I can’t quite remember the details.” I want to somehow figure out how to live in the past, present and future simultaneously.
So much is changing around here. And that’s the exciting part. Emerson seems to develop new skills and her face seems to change in appearance every day now. She is fascinated with how things work, and intense in her field work on the subject. She’s been playing with our large supply of spice jars for months, mostly just pulling them all out of the cabinet, chewing on them, and hiding them in various secret locations throughout the kitchen. But, a few weeks ago she sat on the floor for forty-five minutes until she mastered unscrewing the lid and then screwing it back on. That might not alarm anyone else, but as her mama, it blew my mind. How can a baby unscrew a lid?! Needless to say, I had to put a child lock on the spice cabinet shortly thereafter. Bottle of bright yellow turmeric one, previously white infant-sized sweatshirt, zero.
Emerson is also very interested in where things go. She spends most of her day opening and closing drawers, pulling out the contents, putting the contents back in, finding new locations for the contents, etc. My bedroom floor is a constant disaster now as she delights in emptying all of my clothing drawers. She also enjoys an empty drawer (or box or cabinet or shelf) as a place to climb inside and sit, or to use as a booster to climb up a piece of furniture. Bookcases are also good. In her world, they are simply ladders to climb.
She can also unpack a box of tissues in under three minutes.
Emerson also seems very interested in all things “girly” at the moment. In many ways she is very rough and tumble so it seems quite possible that we have a tomboy on our hands. But, she also spends all her time with me (and apparently I am quite girly). She loves to watch me do my hair, and will pretend to do her own. And she just recently became obsessed with pulling my hair elastics out of my hair and trying to put them back in, which she obviously cannot, so she eventually ends up hanging them on my ears or nose.
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Hair products….yay. |
Emerson has been taking steps, but seems to be in no hurry to master walking. She took a few steps a couple months back, and then seemed upset by it and became very clingy. She wasn’t ready, so she stopped. But, she’s back to taking a step or two at a time a few times a day. Still, it seems like she’s taking her time and not anywhere close to running laps around the house (thank goodness!).
We took Emerson to a children’s museum a few weeks back and she was very interested in the older kids, mainly the older boys. She doesn’t see much of the male gender, old or young, in her daily life. So, she was fascinated by how boisterous and physical the crowd of boys were in the museum’s “building room.” She sat observing them for a little while, then couldn’t see why she couldn’t join them.
This is our life: On dinner
At dinner last night, Emerson was very insistent that she take a break from eating peas and instead have some nums nums (breast milk). She was strapped into her highchair at the time putting a 3-point harness and tray in between her and a nursing session. But, she didn’t want to get out of the chair and give up what was on her plate. She just wanted a boobie juice break.
This happens semi-regularly—Emerson wants to nurse at the most inopportune time. Given I am fully committed to nursing her on demand, I have done some serious acrobatics in order to get her some milk (or comfort) at times. This was one of those times as I was starving myself and needed to finish chowing down my meal in order to get Emerson down to sleep afterwards. So, with one leg still on my chair and one arm still in control of my dinner fork, I bent backwards and sideways allowing my other arm to drape over the back of Emerson’s highchair. I shoved tacos into my mouth as Emerson happily sucked down milk. This arrangement was a new one for us both, and Emerson was quite pleased with the service. She had a few peas in one hand and a boob in her mouth. To express her glee, she reached up and began to lovingly caress my face. As I awwwww-ed at her, her caresses slowly grew more aggressive until she was (lightly) slapping me across the cheek as she nursed. Bam. Bam. Bam.
“Emerson, stop slapping your mother!” Alex pleaded. “Now there’s something I didn’t expect to say in a situation I didn’t expect to find myself in.” Long pause and stare. “Dinners around here keep getting weirder and weirder.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I replied.
This is our life.
Mother and child
I’ve been waiting for spring (aka: life) to arrive so I can get outside and snap some portraits of Emerson. I’ve obviously taken a zillion pictures of her this past year, but I’ve only attempted to set up an actual photo shoot with her twice (semi-newborn and Christmas). Given my obsession with photography, and the rate at which I used to photograph other people’s children when I myself was childless….well, I’m just plain shocked that I haven’t done more “styling.” Of course, I totally understand why I haven’t: I am a mother, a work-at-home mother. When do I have the time? As much as I get that I just haven’t had the time or energy to photog it up with Emerson, it still makes me (so painfully) sad, because photogging is what I do! My only solace is that the other thing I do is write, and I can definitely say that I’ve been writing up a storm this past year. Maybe not as much as I’d like, but an impressive amount (in my opinion) given how little time I have.
At any rate, I am sad for the lack of styled photo shoots, which is why I am going to try my hardest to get it done for Emerson’s first birthday. (Fingers crossed that spring arrives in time/it’s not raining all month/the stars align!!) But, there’s one thing I’m more sad about: the lack of pictures of ME with my baby….and Alex with his baby….and the three of us who make up this family together (so easy to forget to ever get behind the lens when your focus is always on the baby)! We have yet to have a family picture taken, not even a non-professional one. That’s depressing. I guess that’s part of the reason I’ve been collecting images on Pinterest. Here are some mother/child shots that so inspire me (and make me a little jealous)…
Photo Credits (some links not available):
1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
Life in motion
The bulb syringe that made me cry
Emerson made it nearly a year with her health intact—my strong little ox of a girl—until yesterday when she came down with her first cold. Of course, it had to end sometime. But, I will say that Emerson is much more of a trooper than I am when I’m feeling ill (I learn so much from her). For the most part, she continues to smile and laugh and be in a (relatively) good mood despite the ickiness inside her….except when I come at her with a tissue or a bulb syringe, that is. Then she absolutely loses it. She sobs and begs for me to hold her instead of de-boogie-ing her. (Side note: Why do babies hate tissues so much?!)
So yesterday, upon the suggestion of, I decided to irrigate Emerson’s nose and then suction it out. She can’t sleep or nurse comfortably right now, because she can’t breathe. We all got about four hours of sleep the night she fell ill. So, I felt desperate to ease my baby’s discomfort and let us all (especially the sicky-poo) rest. Being able to actually complete the de-boogie-ing task, though, meant having to restrain my baby, because she was not about to let me do it willingly. told me that restraining my baby would look and feel awful despite the good deed I was attempting to accomplish, and they were right. Actually, in my dramatic opinion, I think they understated it.
My child does not take kindly to having her limbs pinned down and out of her control (no matter how gently). She’s been that way since birth, fighting her way out of her swaddling blanket. In fact, she still considers blankets torture devices to this day. I have no idea why. Total tangent. The point is, when Emerson does not want something to happen (to her) she not only lets you know, but makes it incredibly challenging, if not impossible.
So, I had to restrain her to get the bulb syringe anywhere near her nostrils. And it was awful. So awful. Even though the end result was a baby who could once again breathe (and subsequently sleep and nurse), I hated every minute of it, because she hated every minute of it. I desperately wanted to be able to explain to her that I was trying to help her, that I wanted to take away her discomfort, not add to it. And I tried to. But, they were words she could not yet understand.
Later, before bed, I decided to repeat the process so Emerson could sleep longer than 15-minute intervals (literally what happened tortured us all the night before). This time, she was even more upset about it. I eventually gave up, because she just looked so terrified and upset and I couldn’t handle the fact that something I was doing was making her feel that way. I scooped her up and held her, and as she buried her head in the nape of my neck, arms griping my body with all her might, it occurred to me that while I could give up the bulb syringe (or finally purchase a freakin’ Nosefrida like I’ve been meaning to do all year!) I would still be faced with this predicament a billion more times in my life as a parent. I was just as upset as Emerson upon realizing that.
There will always be unpleasant experiences that I will have to inflict upon my sweet child, because they are in her best interests. It is my job to take care of her health, keep her safe, and give her the best chance at a happy/successful/psychologically-sound future. So far, that hasn’t required all that much discomfort on either of our parts. So far, I’ve mostly been the best-most-amazing-most-favorite-person-in-the-whole-wide-world to Emerson.
Now I’m transitioning into a different role, and I’m not entirely sure how to contend with the feelings that come along with it. In moments like I-need-to-suction-your-nose-so-you-can-breathe-and-you-hate-it-and-are-scared, I feel something closely resembling guilt. I know I am doing what is best, yet I feel so badly about it. As natural and normal as difficult phases (terrible twos/threes/fours/teens) are, I am not looking forward to no longer being the best-most-amazing-most-favorite-person-in-the-whole-wide-world. I am not looking forward to having to say, “yes, this is happening even though you hate it, it’s for your own good.” Whether that means suctioning my baby’s nose, cleaning the dirt out of her boo boos, sending her to bed at a reasonable time so she gets enough sleep, insisting she finish her homework, or enforcing a curfew….it all sucks. It’s for the best, and is a healthy way to love my child, but it’s not exactly fun.
I guess I’m having trouble accepting that while I am currently the ultimate panacea to my child’s every woe, it won’t always be this way. At times, I will have to be the scary lady with the bulb syringe in order to truly love my child.
Sometimes, your baby is awake from midnight until four in the morning and there’s nothing you can do about the fact that she wants to practice talking and not. go. to. sleep. Sometimes, you make yourself pancakes in the middle of the day, serve them on a fancy plate, and eat them with your eyes closed so as to fully enjoy this one little morsel of sweetness on an otherwise maddening day. And you don’t share when your husband comes home and discovers you. Sometimes, you cave and decide to get yourself hooked on Downton Abbey during nap time instead of getting anything useful done. And then, as if it is a real problem, you freak out when you realize that Netflix only offers Season One so you google “when will Netflix get Season Two of Downton Abbey” and you don’t rest until you figure that shizzle out.
Sometimes, you ask your husband four times in a half hour what time he’ll be home from work tomorrow, and though he answers all four times you still have no idea when he’ll be home tomorrow….and then he refuses to answer you the last time, because he doesn’t see the point. Sometimes, you wear the most hideous outfit in your wardrobe, because you know that no one will be there to witness it (no one over the age of one). And besides, it’s comfortable. Sometimes, you consider dreadlocks because it seems easier to intentionally give up instead of being frustrated every morning when you try to wash your hair, but the baby/husband/time will not let you. Sometimes, you completely char the bottom of your expensive enameled cast iron, because while you were in the middle of steaming some apples for your child, it suddenly felt imperative that you pay attention to yourself for a change so you get out all your beauty tools and decide to shape and tweeze your eyebrows…..until smoke starts to waft up the staircase and your husband comes home from work just in time.
Because, you are a mama. You don’t get any sleep. You need a break. You never give up, because you can’t give up. You are strong and amazing and impressive even in all of these moments.
Life in motion
Approaching one
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One day old |
Emerson is on a fast train rapidly approaching the one-year mark. And I have two things to say. Number one: why? I mean…WHY?! Can she please just be a bitty baby for a little longer? Can I go back to this time last year?! Seriously, can we not do this? Thanks. Number two: I hate you Pinterest (but also, am completely bat shit obsessed with you….thank you for existing…p.s. follow me y’all). You, all mighty P, have significantly compounded the stress/pressure some mamas feel (hand raised right here) to throw a party for their one-year-old. The same one-year-old who will never remember her first birthday. I’ve been casually collecting ideas here and there for this event, but yesterday typed “first birthday” into the search bar on both Pinterest and Etsy…and nearly collapsed in an anxiety attack. Too. many. ideas. Too. many. COMPLICATED/TIME-INTENSIVE. ideas.
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I’m just waiting for the day that Emerson grows a full head of hair, talks to me in real words, then gets up and runs across the room. It feels like that will all happen in an instant, and then she’ll be gone. I can’t help but already dread the day she moves out of our house….and I don’t want to share her with the world, damn it! I mean, I’m not supposed to say that. And I don’t really mean it. But, sometimes I do. Sometimes, I can’t help but feel selfish and impractical and overprotective. Because, that’s my baby, world! I grew her, and held her in my belly for nine months. I felt connected to her—body, mind, and soul. I birthed her. My muscles, my strength, my love, pushed her out into the open. I was the beginning of her life. And she has not strayed from my body for more than an hour or two since then. So, how can I imagine a day when our lives are running parallel instead of completely intertwined? Right now, it’s simply impossible and anxiety-provoking to consider.
But, I will share her with the world. Of course. In fact, it’s already one of my biggest joys. I feel so fulfilled and ecstatic when I watch her interact with family, friends, and other mamas and babies at our groups and classes. And to see how she is received by them….just amazing. It’s so comforting to watch a support system/community/safety net grow around her…to watch people fall in love with her. So, I’m glad the world is there to receive her, but I will forever hold tightly (in spirit) that 8-pound newborn with her enormous cheeks, curious eyes and heart-melting coos. How can I ever let her go?
And then there’s number two. Is it just me, or do all moms feel this pressure to throw well-styled, extravagant (as far as effort and detail…or money) parties? I am not a party thrower. Other than the occasional small dinner party, it’s not really in my constitution. But, more importantly, it’s not something I have the time/energy/desire to take on these days given I am the primary care provider for my child. We don’t have family nearby, we don’t have a babysitter, or a nanny, or daycare. And my husband is out of the house most hours that Emerson is awake. So, it’s me. All me. When do I have time to sit and craft/cook/shop/decorate the day away in preparation for a Pinterst-y party? Pretty much never, folks.
Yet I am bombarded with pictures in my FB newsfeeds of elaborate children’s parties my “friends” have thrown, and an insane amount of info out there on the inter-webs when searching for just a few, simple ideas. Pinterest, for instance, can really make a person feel like they are totally failing at life. Like it should be no problem to make a fantastic spread of food and desserts from scratch, sew party clothes for the entire family, make all the decorations and invitations and favors by hand, and have a pristine house on party day thanks to the slew of 30-point “how to perfectly clean your entire house” lists you have pinned. And, of course, make all of the above really cute and creative and just pure genius. Maybe I had the time for that when I was childless, and maybe I will again in the future, but as the mother of an almost-one-year old without any help, I say, “back off, internet.”
For some reason, though, just knowing all these Pinterest-y ideas exist makes it impossible for me to ignore them. I so want to ignore them, I so want to keep it simple. But, I’m drawn to create and as obnoxious as I find all the party planning boards out there, I am also inspired by them. Because, those cakes and handmade decorations are beautiful. But, I hate them. But, they exist. And they are beautiful. Sigh.
So, I am throwing a party for Emerson. And, I will somehow, someway, probably put way more effort into it than need be. Because, I can’t deny that it feels like a MAJOR milestone for me. For us, as a family. And as crazy as throwing a party is going to make me, I count myself blessed for having extended family that wouldn’t dream of missing Emerson’s first birthday.
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Here’s hoping I make it through the next six weeks without an anxiety attack! What will send me over the edge first: my baby turning one, or throwing a party for our entire family?